PITCHPIPE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 7 times.
Referring Clues:
- Alternative to a tuning fork
- Device used to tune an instrument
- It sets the tone
- A cappella singer's need
- *A cappella leader's gadget
- Chorus leader's aid
- A choirmaster may toot one
Last Seen In:
- Universal - May 09, 2016
- LA Times - March 27, 2011
- Universal - January 16, 2011
- Universal - May 04, 2010
- Universal - February 20, 2010
- Universal - August 17, 2008
- New York Sun - June 20, 2005
- King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - July 15, 2004
- New York Times - September 24, 1997
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