Answer: EST
EST is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 764 times.
Referring Clues:
- Superlative suffix
- N.Y.C. zone
- Sum, es, ___
- Certain training
- Mass. hours
- Shakespearean verb ending
- Ballpark fig.
- Superlative ending
- L.I. zone
- Guinness Book suffix
- Pa. hours
- Guinness suffix
- Form of Latin "to be"
- Winter clock setting in Vt.
- Therapy fad
- 1970's discipline
- Erhard's claim to fame
- Inflationary suffix
- Incomparable ending
- Hrs. in Quebec
- Not necessarily exact: Abbr.
- Shakespearean suffix
- Exaggerator's suffix
- French direction
- N.Y. winter hrs.
- It goes to extremes
- Erhard's discipline
- N.C. and S.C. zone
- Planner's fig.
- Contractor's fig.
- Controversial teachings
- Cornerstone abbr.
- Mass. setting
- Attendance fig.
- Extreme suffix
- "Guinness Book" suffix
- Approx.
- Werner Erhard teaching
- Guinness ending
- N.Y. winter hours
- N.J. clock setting
- N.Y.C. clock setting
- Abbr. on a business sign
- Attendance fig., often
- Ultimate ending
- Winter hours in N.Y.C.
- "C'___ la vie!"
- Old seminar subject
- Body shop fig.
- N.Y.C. hrs.
- Best guess: Abbr.
- Record's end?
- Approx. number
- D.C. is on it
- Braggart's suffix
- Superlative end
- Guess: Abbr.
- World record suffix
- Not an exact fig.
- Preauction fig.
- N.Y. minutes?
- Old self-realization program
- Errare humanum ___
- Paris's Gare de l'___
- Superlative finish
- Fla. setting
- Faddish training, once
- Fig. at a body shop
- R.I. clock setting
- "C'___ la vie"
- Round fig., say
- Ballpark attendance fig.
- D.C. setting
- N.Y. winter setting
- Plus-or-minus fig.
- It’s not exact: Abbr.
- Baltic land: Abbr.
- Supreme finale
- The Atl. Coast is on it
- Guessed-at fig.
- Erhard movement
- Educated guess: Abbr.
- Inexact fig.
- Round no., maybe
- Ultimate end
- Founded: Abbr.
- Archaic verb ending
- Repair shop fig.
- N.Y.C. winter clock setting
- Biblical suffix
- Is in the Vatican
- It's in the neighborhood: Abbr.
- Round fig.
- Proposal fig.
- Id follower
- Store sign abbr.
- Record finish?
- Id ___
- Around 1,000, e.g.: Abbr.
- Summer hrs. in N.Y.C.
- Approx. figure
- It's somewhere in the neighborhood: Abbr.
- Facetious suffix with most
- Round number, maybe: Abbr.
- 100 or so, e.g.: Abbr.
- Suffix that may appear in a record
- 1970s self-improvement program
- Winter hrs. in Winter Haven
- "Guinness World Records" suffix
- "Is," to Ovid
- Hartford hrs.
- Maine hrs.
- N.C. setting, for about half the year
- Superlative's ending
- N.Y.C. hours
- Founded (abbr.)
- Suffix of superlatives
- Contractor's approximation (abbr.)
- Suffix for many world records
- Atlantic coast zone letters
- Ballpark fig,
- March hrs. in Miami
- NYC hours
- NYC winter setting
- Part of i.e.
- Braggart's favorite suffix
- Id trailer
- Approximation (abbr.)
- NYC hrs.
- WV watch setting
- Suffix denoting extremeness
- NC hrs.
- NYC clock setting
- Werner Erhard's group awareness program of the '70s
- Winter setting in NYC
- NYC winter clock setting
- Old self-realization program (abbr.)
- NY hrs.
- Cornerstone letters
- DC clock setting
- D.C. setting in winter
- Ballpark figure (abbr.)
- D.C. hours
- Abbr. on some cornerstones
- Nov. hrs. in Newark
- S. Carolina hours
- Suffix for Guinness
- The best ending?
- Better-than-anything ending
- Approximation fig.
- Ending for a champ?
- "Humanum ___ errare"
- Va. clock setting
- Certain therapy, commonly
- E, on a French map
- Ending for a record
- Christmas hours in N.Y.C.
- Maximal ending
- Controversial New Age program of the '70s
- NYC setting
- French 101 verb
- Great ending
- Setting for Christmas in Connecticut: Abbr.
- Adjective suffix
- Suffix with loving and losing
- Providence winter hrs.
- Singular form of sont
- Latin 101 verb
- Approximate fig.
- Is, in Isère
- Wilfred Owen's "Dulce et Decorum ___"
- Setting for a New England winter (abbr.)
- Chiseled letters
- Md. hours
- More than -er?
- Body shop approx.
- Ga. hours
- N.C. clock setting
- Body shop no.
- New England hrs.
- Guinness Book ending
- Buffalo hrs.
- Errare humanum __
- Insurance co. request
- NY clock setting
- Part of ETA: Abbr.
- Me. setting
- Erhard's therapy fad
- Md. setting
- "C'__ la vie"
- Conn. setting
- Ft. Myers clock setting
- W.Va. clock setting
- New Hampshire hrs.
- Ohio clock setting: Abbr.
- #1 indicator
- Pa. clock setting
- Ft. Myers setting
- RI clock setting
- Boston hrs.
- PA setting
- End of a Caesarean quote
- Guess, for short
- Phila. clock setting
- Maine clock setting: Abbr.
- Dec. hrs. in NJ
- Garage fig.
- Winter clock setting at MIT
- Vermont hrs.
- Clock reading in R.I.
- Wild finish?
- Time zone on the west 75th meridian
- Ultimate suffix
- Suffix that maximizes
- Winter hrs. in Florida
- Abbreviated guess
- "To the max" indicator
- Suffix meaning "to the max"
- Low or high tail?
- ''C'___ la vie!''
- Biblical verb ending
- ''Id'' follower
- Suffix that takes things to the extreme
- Md. clock setting
- Ending for the most?
- Maximal suffix
- Winter hours in NYC
- D.C. winter hrs.
- Suffix with ''winning'' and ''losing''
- Suffix with ''losing''
- ''To the max'' indicator
- Fish story suffix?
- Low or high tail
- N.Y.C. clock value
- Town sign abbr.
- Low or high ending
- Tough ending
- Suffix with ''great''
- Time zone
- It takes things to extremes
- Ending for the very best
- Soft finish?
- Wintertime in D.C.
- Winter hrs. in Buffalo
- "To the max" suffix
- N.Y. time zone
- Most extreme suffix
- World record finish?
- Soft ending?
- Suffix with "winning" and "losing"
- Vt. hours
- "Id" follower
- Record-breakers' suffix
- Great finish?
- "Low" or "high" tail
- Maximum suffix
- Great ending?
- N.J. time zone
- Christmas time in NYC
- It takes things to the extreme
- More than -er
- Wild ending
- Schedule abbr.
- Suffix with great
- S.C. time
- Top-notch ending
- Guinness World Records suffix
- Body shop quote, briefly
- Boston hours, initially
- Boston time, briefly
- Time of the 75th meridian
- Superior finale
- Suffix in "Guinness World Records"
- New York time
- C'--- la vie
- Tall tale suffix
- It's not exact: Abbr.
- Top-notch ending?
- Terre Haute hrs.
- Contractor's approximation, briefly
- Boston zone
- Pawtucket hrs.
- Winter time on Cape Cod
- Winter clock setting in NJ
- Jocular suffix with "best"
- Phila. setting
- Iffy no.
- Consummate conclusion?
- Suffix with "fast" or "slow"
- Winter hrs. in N.J.
- Time in D.C.
- Inexact no.
- Educ. guess
- Abbr. on a cornerstone
- Car repair fig.
- Approximate no.
- Suffix with the most of anything
- D.C. clock setting
- Zone for Red Sox home games
- Best-of-all ending
- Penn. is on it
- Guess, in brief
- Winter clock setting on Cape Cod
- Ending that takes things to the extreme
- Auto insurer's request: Abbr.
- Better-than-anything suffix
- Any fig. ending in "or so"
- Part of ETA (abbr.)
- Me. hours
- Slow finish?
- Fla. hours
- St. Pete clock setting
- Ballpark figure, briefly
- Record book suffix
- Suffix used in a tall tale
- Atlantic coast time
- Rally attendance fig.
- Parisian's compass point
- N.C. zone
- Its not exact: Abbr.
- Suffix with "losing"
- Suffix with "great"
- Fish story suffix
- NYC winter hours
- A "compas" point
- Number one suffix?
- Rough fig.
- Repairman's initial fig.
- Guess, in brief (and what's been added to this puzzle's longest answers)
- Is, for Ovid
- World's record suffix
- Winter setting in Short Hills
- It comes back in NYC every year on the first Sunday in November
- Budgetary guess: Abbr.
- FL time (not now, though)
- Is in Iberville
- Abbr. on a city limit sign
- The "e" in i.e.
- Suffix for extremists?
- Stab (abbr.)
- Ft. Wayne clock setting
- Part of ETA
- Christmas hours in NYC
- Suffix with "tall"
- Boston timepiece setting
- NYC time frame
- Wilfred Owen poem "Dulce et Decorum ___"
- "Alea iacta ___": Julius Caesar
- "Warm" or "cold" ending
- Recordholder's suffix
- January hrs. in N.J.
- Wintertime on Cape Cod
- 17-Across hrs.
- 'Guinness Book' suffix
- Id ___ (that is)
- 'Fall back' hrs. in NYC
- Atl. coast hrs.
- The 'e' in 'i.e.'
- NYC winter hrs.
- 'Guinness Book suffix'
- Miami hrs.
- More than '-er'
- Superla-tive end
- Superlative suffix
- SC hours
- N.Y. hours
- D.C. hrs.
- 'C'___ la vie!'
- Mich. hours
- NC hours
- Conn. hours
- VT hours
- Virginia hrs.
- PA hours
- The 'e' of i.e.
- N.J. hours
- Approximate amt.
- Pt. of E.T.A.
- It's not an exact fig.
- Pt. of E.T.D.
- Guinness's favorite suffix
- Contractor's initial no.
- Winter hours in Baltimore
- N.Y. clock setting
- Mass. time zone
- Way beyond -er
- Not merely -er
- Suffix for "fast" or "slow"
- Suffix with "tall" or "short"
- Approx. fig.
- Winter D.C. hours
- January hrs. in N. J.
- Schedule abbr. for Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
- Ending for extremists
- Better-than-all-the-others suffix
- Suffix in the "Guinness World Records" book
- Cape May hrs.
- Body shop quote: Abbr.
- Ont. time zone
- Fig. followed by "or so"
- Toronto's time zone
- '70s self-improvement method
- Is: Lat.
- N.C. hours
- Pub sign abbr.
- CPA's approx.
- Handyman's approx.
- It means "most"
- N.H. hrs.
- Setting for Columbus: Abbr.
- 1970s-'80s self-improvement course
- Ft. Lauderdale clock setting
- Round no.
- Suffix meaning "most"
- Approximation, for short
- Appraisal no.
- Tobermory time
- Suffix with "rich" or "poor"
- Repair quote: Abbr.
- Is, in Iberville
- Suffix for the best
- "Laborare ___ orare" (Freemasons' motto)
- "Laborare ___ orare" (Freemason motto)
- Form of "sum"
- Winter hours in Philly
- Winter setting at Mt. Snow
- Direction de Paris à Nancy
- Winter D.C. hrs.
- It's greater than -er
- Suffix of records
- The Orange Bowl is played on it: Abbr.
- Connecticut hrs.
- Suffix for records
- Basic Latin verb
- What means the most at the end?
- '70s self-help course
- Quick or slow attachment
- Slow or fast ender
- Fig. that's in the neighborhood
- Educated guess, for short
- "Errare humanum ___": Seneca
- DC. zone
- How the descriptions of most things usually end?
- Part of 56-Across: Abbr.
- Winter D.C. setting
- Suffix for only the best
- Rough amt.
- Winning finish?
- Suffix with winning
- Superlative conclusion
- Best guess, for short
- "Scientia potentia ___"
- Suffix for braggarts
- End of many record labels
- "Alea iacta ___" ("The die is cast")
- A New York minute?
- It's just a guess: Abbr.
- Hrs. in NY
- Maximizing suffix
- Repair shop guess: Abbr.
- The very best's ending
- NY summer time
- N.H. winter setting
- Id ___ (39-Down)
- Albany is on it: Abbr.
- Atlantic coast hrs.
- Low or high end?
- Suffix for verbs following "thou"
- New York time (abbr.)
- Time-zone abbr.
- Toronto time
- Del. clock setting
- Suffix used in exaggerations
- Guess at a price (abbr.)
- Hrs. in New York
- Car mechanic's fig.
- Contractor's approx.
- Ri time zone
- Ct time zone
- NY time zone
- Mass. clock setting
- Baltimore time zone (abbr.)
- NYC time zone
- Suffix for a world record
- Ending for the most part?
- Tough ending?
- Best suffix?
- Maximum ending?
- NH time zone
- Approx. repair cost
- Albany hrs.
- Suffix with "high"
- NJ time zone
- Suffix with "high" and "low"
- Expected amt. of repairs
- Suffix for 41-Down
- Suffix for the very best
- Philadelphia time zone (abbr.)
- Washington, DC time zone
- N.H. clock setting
- N.J. winter hrs.
- Boston time zone
- Clock setting in NYC
- 63-Down hrs.
- French "is"
- Suffix for the best of the best
- Winter hrs. in D.C.
- High suffix
- OH time zone
- Cleveland time zone (abbr.)
- Suffix for extremists
- Setting in DC
- Suffix for the extreme
- MA time zone
- The "e" of i.e.
- S.C. clock setting
- Prefix with "low"
- Ballpark amt.
- What most adjectives end in?
- Clock setting in D.C.
- Boston time zone (abbr.)
- Suffix for extremes
- 'C'___ la vie' ('That's life')
- "Point cardinal"
- Uncertain no.
- "Dulce et Decorum ___" (Wilfred Owen poem)
- Winter hrs. in Winter Park
- Boston clock setting
- Broadway time zone
- More or less: abbr.
- DC winter clock setting
- Many an attendance fig.
- "Errare humanum ___"
- Shot in the dark, for short
- D.C. winter clock setting
- VMI clock setting
- Newark time zone: abbr.
- Forecast fig.
- Is in Paris or old Rome?
- Suffix with "high" or "low"
- Detroit time zone: abbr.
- NY hours
- It is, to Brutus
- Is written on papyrus?
- Ending for "most" words
- Conclusion that takes things to the extreme?
- Winter hrs. in New York
- 4.5 billion years, for the age of the earth: Abbr.
- Super suffix?
- Thing a car insurance co. will provide
- '80s self-help program
- Maryland winter hrs.
- Md. winter hours
- Extremist's suffix
- Suffix meaning "none greater"
- N.C. winter hours
- Suffix with "high" or "quick"
- Suffix for maximizers
- Md. time setting
- MA hours
- Suffix with "slow" or "fast"
- It's often rough: Abbr.
- Suffix with "cold" or "warm"
- Suffix for record holders
- Washington.DC time zone
- Eastern std. time
- Is from ancient Rome?
- NJ hrs. in January
- Suffix with "smart" and "dumb"
- VA. winter hrs.
- Erhard's movement
- '70s training
- Erhard's teaching
- 70's teaching
- Indicator of ultimateness
- NH winter hours
- Cold finish?
- Neighbor of Russ.
- '70s self-help system
- St. Pete setting
- "Weird" ending
- OH clock setting
- Triple this for a white wine
- Approximation: Abbr.
- MD clock setting
- Proposal no.
- ___ deus in nobis (there is god within us)
- Is from Issy?
- Suffix in record books
- Suffix for "harsh"
- Winter hrs. in most of Michigan
- Is in Iberville
- Guess, briefly
- Del. winter hrs.
- Valuation: abbr.
- Abbr. in an auction catalog
- World-record finish?
- Greatest suffix
- Winter hrs. in Atlanta
- Contractor's no.
- Mean suffix?
- Boastful suffix
- Intensifying suffix
- What Panama is on year-round, for short
- Werner Erhard's gp.
- Powerful suffix
- Word maximizer
- "To the max" stick-on
- CNN abbreviates it further by dropping its middle letter
- Indiana's winter hrs.
- Reduced estimate
- Id follower?
- No. from a builder
- Impressive suffix
- Swift suffix
- Suffix besting "-er"
- Boston winter hrs.
- N.Y. winter time
- Third-person form of "être"
- Va. winter hours
- Supreme ending
- Harsh suffix?
- Suffix for "tough"
- Starting from, on some signs
- '70s-'80s self-improvement course
- Current D.C. setting
- Va. hours
- Cooperstown winter hrs.
- "Alea iacta ___": Caesar
- Ballpark guess, cut
- Loose fig.
- Attendance abbr.
- EPA-___ Hwy MPG
- Current setting in DC
- "Ultimate" ending
- Louisville winter hrs.
- "Extreme" suffix
- Not an exact amount: Abbr.
- Caesar's "is"
- Winter hrs. in Me.
- Winter hrs. in Philadelphia
- One in 10 people being left-handed, e.g.: Abbr.
- Baltimore winter hrs.
- ****Winter D.C. setting (1 and 2)
- Jokey suffix with most
- Suffix for a superlative
- Not just -er
- Ga. winter hours
- Population abbr.
- January hrs. in Jersey City
- Winter zone in D.C.
- Clock setting for Jacksonville in Jan.
- Sign abbr. before a year
- December hrs. in Dover
- Is written in old Rome?
- Toronto winter hrs.
- Winter hrs. in Winter Haven, Fla.
- Repair approx.
- Natl. population, e.g.
- Is from France?
- Going-to-extremes conclusion
- N.J. winter hours
- Playful suffix with "best"
- **Winter hrs. in Miami
- "Id ___" (in other words)
- N.Y. minutes, in the winter
- DE Dec. setting
- Winter hrs. in Waltham
- NYC winter time
- What means most in the end?
- Pittsburgh winter hrs.
- Times Square Ball Drop hrs.
- Winter hours in DC
- Rough no.
- Richmond winter hrs.
- DC winter hrs.
- Clock setting for NYC on NYE
- D.C. setting, in the winter
- Outdoor crowd no.
- Appraisal abbr.
- Gare de l'___, Paris railway station
- Winter setting in N.Y.C.
- "Fall back" setting in NYC
- Educated guess (Abbr.)
- Is, in ancient Rome
- Many a quote, for short
- Redundant suffix for "best"
- January Ga. hours
- Pst minus
- Approximate calculation (Abbr.)
- VA winter setting
- 14 billion years, for the age of the universe: Abbr.
- Suffix with "most," redundantly
- Winter hrs. in New Jersey
- Time zone in D.C.
- Cutesy suffix for "best"
- 11-Across is on it
- It's not the final number: Abbr.
- Is at the Forum?
- Charlotte winter hrs.
- Brooklyn winter time zone (Abbr.)
- The "e" of "i.e."
- Proposal amt.
- Redundant ending for "most"
- D.C. time zone
- Humorous suffix with "most" and "best"
- February Va. hours
- Suffix for "winning"
- More than "-er"
- Nov. NJ setting
- Fixer's proposed amt.
- Ballpark guess: Abbr.
- Crowd no., often
- Feb. NC hours
- Suffix that surpasses "-er"
- Winter D.C. clock setting
- No. on a landscaper's doc
- Projection, e.g.: Abbr.
- Cutesy ending with most
- Brooklyn time zone, for short
- Around figure?: Abbr.
- Give-or-take fig.
- Miami time zone, for short
- Winter hrs. in Boston
- Approx. guess
- Time zone in VA
- Many a population fig.
- Educated guess, basically: Abbr.
- ATL time zone
- Toronto time zone, for short
- Philly winter time zone
- NC time zone
- Rough guess (Abbr.)
- ME time zone
- Latin "is"
- Hartford time zone, for short
- Suffix with darned
- Brooklyn hrs.
- Numerical guess (Abbr.)
- Rough calculation, briefly
- Contractor's guess: Abbr.
- Winter clock setting in N.Y.C.
- Playful suffix for "best"
- Is French?
- Winter hrs. in Toronto
- February hrs. in Toronto
- "___ 1892" (line on A&F shirts)
- "___ modus in rebus" ("Moderation in all things")
- Winter hrs. in Ottawa
- Delivery abbr.
- Parts and labor fig.
- Suffix with winning or losing
- "Scientia potentia ___" ("Knowledge is power")
- More than just "-er"
- Redundant suffix for "most"
- Winter hours in D.C.
- Contractor's assessment: Abbr.
- Winter hrs. in the Big Apple
- Suffix for superlatives
- Setting for Cape Cod at Christmas, in brief
- "Sic vita ___" ("Such is life")
- Setting for the Times Square ball drop: Abbr.
- Rough guess, for short
Last Seen In:
- LA Times - March 16, 2025
- New York Times - March 11, 2025
- LA Times - February 16, 2025
- New York Times - February 14, 2025
- New York Times - February 09, 2025
- New York Times - February 01, 2025
- New York Times - January 30, 2025
- New York Times - January 29, 2025
- LA Times - January 20, 2025
- LA Times - January 09, 2025
- LA Times - January 08, 2025
- USA Today - December 30, 2024
- LA Times - December 23, 2024
- New York Times - December 22, 2024
- USA Today - December 20, 2024
- New York Times - December 02, 2024
- USA Today - December 02, 2024
- LA Times - November 14, 2024
- New York Times - November 10, 2024
- New York Times - October 30, 2024
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